
Airiel Haziq the 12-Old Boy Who Conducts Home Renovation Like a Pro Architect!

Do you still remember what your hobbies were, or what were you do when you were 12 years old? Many children and I were sharing almost the hobbies, we probably loved playing on the PS2, maybe we were fond of cycling with friends to the nearest playground, and we probably were buying snacks at the nearby market. Whatever the memory might be, but most of us were not doing a lot of activities that adults do when we were 12 years old. But do you know that there is a 12 year-boy who succeeded to challenge his colleagues (who are the same his age) in astounding talents.

The first appearance of this talented boy was on a Facebook post which has revealed that there is a boy called Airiel Haziq who is 12 years old and is capable of drafting fabulous architectural drawings and design plans. Even Airiel Haziq was young, and he didn’t receive any formal training, but his father, Mohd Hardy, had started noticing that his son is gifted when he was around 10 or 11 years old.

I would always find a lot of sketches of very modern building or home designs on his desk, so me and my wife decided to support his passion and bought him a proper drawing board, a T-square set and all. We even started buying him Form 4 and Form 5 reference books for perspective drawing and engineering when we noticed his talents really started advancing.

he said.

Do you have any idea about in what extant did he improve his talent? Now, Airiel Haziq is excellent in what he does, and he learned how to use professional 3D architecture design software on his computer. He has become like a professional architect.

His parents were intended to repair their kitchen and bathroom, Mr. Mohd Hardy had decided to give his son a chance in redesigning their kitchen and bathroom. These photos show the final unbelievable looks that were created by the 12-year-old, Airiel.

Thanks to the modern elements as well as Aireil’s talent, he has turned their home kitchen into an enticing, functional, and modern space that anyone can feel welcomed in. There became enough space indoor for a porch.


After Airiel’s creativity has become viral, he has received so many compliments and encouragement from the people who use the internet to express their opinions in arguments and elections (Netizens). They also praised his parents who allowed him to follow his passion and fulfill it. Because of them, he is now among the youngest architect in the world. All in all, Family support has a very huge impact on child capacities; they can improve them or destroy them.

Such talent in this age is hard to find. We, and everyone who has come across Airiel’s story get impressed with his unique skills. A huge thanks to their parents because they were the main reason for building such a gifted person, and because they helped him throughout his journey.



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